Tonight It's Easy to Think So
After my usual complex day spent thinking into existence
A world no one could live in, even in their thoughts,
It's good to be going home, it's easy to think
Up a house's existence, because tonight after all
My doubts about existence, those who live here
Feel alive and at home. Ah it's a simple evening
For the living to feel at home, for a house
To truly exist, simply to be
What the case is, with a smile there
To greet us, because we too are the case.
The grocer I'm walking past is surely all
That he could be; the newsboy
Can be trusted, I know him,
I can say; even now where our doubts
About the trees were
The trees are
Another brilliant fulfillment
Of so much that is the case.
Are these trees the case? Tonight it's easy to think so.
Are they rooted as such? Even in my thoughts.
Can our own case be made, can we possibly be given
As an instance where existence somehow proves
To be enough? This evening as I walk
Into the world as I'm given to, I feel
Like a given, and this gift is enough.
Don't ask me how, but this evening is all it could be.
The moment within our grasp is simply there within our grasp.
That smile on your face, when I say what the case is,
Is simple enough, that is all that it could be, and don't
Ask me how, but tonight all it could be
Is in existence as a thought
That simply smiles at the thought.
After all of the abstract days,
All the thoughts that could be not be trusted,
All the words that were only words by denying us
Their trust, this evening where the doubts
In our eyes were
Our eyes are
Another closed case
That just opened, and found
The world there at its door.